Danville (800) 252-5059 | Lisle (800) 628-5618


Workers’ Compensation

WCTI offers workers compensation insurance to companies who are performing light to medium risk manufacturing in the state of Illinois. Our program is a self-insured program owned by participating members. Premium calculations are based upon WCTI rates and driven by the loss experience of the member.

WCTI returns unused claim funds. This self-insurance program outperforms traditional insurance companies and combines innovative loss control services, accident prevention, and aggressive claims management, which means lower premiums for your company—and more money in your pocket!

Loss Control

In addition to offering workers compensation coverage, WCTI provides members with result-driven loss control services, at no additional cost, as part of our comprehensive approach to risk management services. Our skilled loss control professionals are part of an advanced, well-organized team. They’re committed to giving you the customized, cost-effective health and safety programs you need to reduce injuries while enhancing your bottom line.


Expensive medical costs, decreased productivity, increased overtime, and replacing an injured employee are all concerns with a work-related injury.  With more than 40 years of combined experience in the manufacturing industry, the WCTI claims team is ready to help.  The team has been trained to handle claims aggressively, thoroughly and promptly while controlling costs and maintaining high ethical standards.  Unlike most carriers, WCTI encourages member participation while making sure the injured worker receives proper medical treatment and returns to work promptly—all while keeping the claim at the lowest possible cost.