Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to purchase workers' compensation coverage from WCTI?
Illinois manufacturing companies who meet the underwriting criteria and are approved by the Board of Trustees and the excess carrier are eligible.
What is WCTI’s mission statement?
The Workers’ Compensation Trust of Illinois is a group of safety-focused Illinois manufacturers that have pooled their excellent loss experience to self-insure their workers’ compensation risk. Members are committed to managing progressive safety programs and are actively involved in the fair and expedient management of claims. All WCTI members share the philosophy that their employees are their greatest asset and that a safe workplace is their highest priority.
What are the underwriting guidelines for the program?
- Standard premium > $30,000
- Loss ratio of 50% or less
- Minimal occupational disease exposure
- Limited chemical exposure
- No hazardous material handling
- Manufacturing and related industries
- Group health insurance required
- Must be in business at least 5 years
How are rates determined?
Rates are determined by an actuarial analysis and are approved by the Board of Trustees. Rates are comparable to advisory rates published by National Council of Compensation Insurance (NCCI).
Will I lose my experience mod if I join WCTI?
No. WCTI is affiliated with NCCI and your payroll and claim information will continue to be reported to NCCI. This experience mod will then be used in the calculation of your premium.
How do premiums compare to other commercial insurance companies?
WCTI offers competitive rates for its members. The premium is based upon individual losses of the member as well as other members of the group. The member has an opportunity to earn money back.
How can WCTI provide workers' compensation coverage more cost effectively than commercial carriers?
The program is designed to benefit the members of WCTI, which has lower overhead than commercial carriers. Because of the outstanding experience of the membership, the program receives a very competitive rate on reinsurance.
WCTI has very strict underwriting standards for acceptance into the program.
An aggressive claim-management program is an essential element. Insured employees are quickly contacted and all questionable claims are investigated. Claims are managed by CCMSI staff familiar with Illinois workers’ comp legislation.
Members partner with the program’s professional loss control consultants to enhance their overall safety program.
Is there an additional fee for the Professional Loss Control Services?
What is the premium payment schedule for WCTI?
Members of WCTI pay based upon the minimum contribution amount. The payment is billed with 25% down and 10 equal installments.
Who controls the WCTI Workers’ Comp Program?
WCTI is a member-owned, self-insured group governed by a Board of Trustees represented by member companies.
Has reinsurance been purchased by WCTI?
Yes, excess loss reinsurance has been purchased by the program to protect against catastrophic losses. The reinsurance carrier is rated A IX by A.M. Best and Company.
Is the program assessable?
The WCTI program has never received a program assessment. WCTI is a self-insured program regulated by Division of Insurance through the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation. As a self-insured program, there is joint and several liability; however, there are safeguards put in place to avert assessment:
- WCTI only provides workers’ compensation coverage to members who meet the membership requirements.
- WCTI pays into the Illinois Insolvency Fund quarterly.
- WCTI adds an additional layer of protection through the purchase of excess insurance; therefore, there is minimal likelihood for an assessment for the program.
How do I get money back from the program?
One of the best features of WCTI is that each member has the ability to receive unused premium dollars back. Money is collected to cover the costs of claims; any claims dollars that are not used are returned back to the member company. WCTI will hold the claims dollars for two years (in case of development) and then return those dollars back to the member.
Am I going to pay for members with poor performance?
WCTI members share in the risk of other member companies. The sharing of risk is controlled by the strict underwriting guidelines and aggressive loss control and claims management services.
Who is on the Board of Trustees for the program?
The Board of Trustees are executives of member companies who participate in the WCTI program.
What if I want to leave the program early?
Members are required to participate in the program for the policy period on their proposal, which is normally an annual basis. If they choose to leave the program in the middle of the year, they would receive a short-rate cancellation penalty similar to traditional carriers. All members are on a common effective date of January 1. When a member joins the program on a date other than January 1, the initial policy period will be pro-rated.
Is more information available?
Yes, please contact Angie Blakeney.
If you would like additional information, please contact Angie Blakeney.